Hello World
Hello there, Welcome to my blog, Morgo. The blog is not going to be a 'niche' blog... At least not for a while. This blog will fit best in the category of 'lifestyle'. There will be a bit of this and a bit of that and the majority of this blog will feature non sensical ramblings and for that, I apologise in advance. I have to disclaim that for now, I do not want to disclose my identity on this blog. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, I'd like people to enjoy the content of this blog for what it is, not so much for WHO is behind it. Secondly, I'm an extremely nervous human being and the thought of people knowing my name and face make me jittery. You might learn why I'm like this through some of my future posts. One day, I might reveal myself (this is starting to sound like Gossip Girl. Sorry. xoxo), but for now we'll just keep it to 'Morgo'. You should know that I'm a walking, talking contradiction. I love beauty and makeup, but I...